
Posts Tagged ‘survivor’

Putting yourself out there just smacks of risk, pain, and embarrassment. It takes a thick skin to tell people who you are, what you care about, and why they should trust you.
As a survivor, writer, and teacher on subjects of grief and loss, I understand the vulnerability of those in the mourning process. I need to lead gently, but to elicit a response , I also need to persuade. Without a response, no one benefits.
In looking at the websites and magazine copy of those doing similar work as mine, I’m happy to see a variety of backgrounds and intentions, as well as many areas of loss being covered. These include trauma, early grief, understanding loss, moving forward, and healing. When I lost my husband 20 years ago, there was far less available. That’s what prompted my writing on the subject.
Today, there are workshops, articles, books, grief groups, and camps for children. What could be better than offering resources for everyone experiencing sorrow, and that includes all of us.
I’m putting myself out there to connect with the grieving community, prioritizing their need for comfort and support. In doing so, I intend to impart a sense of hope, the beginning of healing and growth.

Be well,

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